About Us

The breastfeeding journey for every mum is different; time-consuming, physically painful, emotionally taxing or (*sigh*) a bloody breeze. We are all different but, we are all trying to achieve the same thing, to make our children happy and healthy.

My husband and I were so excited about having our first baby, we were in a giant bubble of love. We decided not to buy a breast pump as we were just going to see what happened post-birth; maybe our baby wasn't going to like breastfeeding or maybe I wouldn't be able to produce milk. Still, oh lord we had absolutely no idea the emotional and physical toll it was going to take on us post-birth.

It was a whole new world; nurses and midwives were talking complete breastfeeding, milk producing, nipple bleeding jargon to us.

Our traumatic birth hindered my milk production, so our poor baby was constantly starving. I was breastfeeding then pumping and then giving him a bottle straight after.

For eight weeks I was pumping after every feed. It was exhausting. All I remember was how much time I was restricted to a powerpoint or holding the pumps to my boobs whilst bouncing the rocker with my feet to keep my baby settled. I used to cut holes in my stocking to keep the pump in place but it never worked.

Fast forward 11 months, we got our groove and our child LOVED the boob. There was no end in sight that he wanted to stop. I knew that I was going back to work soon and that feeling of dread and PTSD of pumping was creeping back.

My husband and I thought that there had to be something more convenient and compact for the busy mums, the mums going back to work or just the mums trying to do it all.

Well, that is when we decided to develop Reggie.

Reggie dramatically changed my pumping journey for the better. I returned to work and found it so easy to pump on the way to work, at work or on the way home. Pumping was no longer a burden. I used to try and make time specifically for pumping, but now the pumping happens on my time.

Honestly, Reggie will change the way you feel about pumping.

If not for you, for your sister, best friend, cousin or colleague.

We're glad you are here, and we look forward to helping you in any way we can. Thanks for letting Reggie come into your life to help make mum things easier.